Relief on Substantial Presence and Treaty Day-Count Tests.

On May 30th, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2020-20 which provides non-U.S. individuals present in the U.S. some limited relief from the day-count tests for U.S. tax residency and for eligibility for certain treaty benefits.  The relief comes in the form of the “COVID-19 Medical Condition Travel Exception”.  The name of the exception is a misnomer because individuals need not have had any medical condition (including the COVID-19 virus) to claim its benefits.
Continue Reading IRS Provides Some Relief to Offset COVID-19 Related Travel Restrictions

The US Federal Reserve has confirmed in its Main Street Loans frequently-asked-questions-faqs about the Main Street lending program (the “FAQ”) that US subsidiaries of foreign companies can be eligible borrowers under the various loans available under the program so long as they otherwise meet the other conditions to eligibility for the loans.
Continue Reading Main Street Loan Program – US Subsidiaries of Foreign Companies Can Apply

On May 22, 2020, the Mexico Committee of the ABA – Section of International Law published a Special Edition Newsletter regarding the Legal Impact of COVID-19 in Mexico.  As the Co-Chair of the Mexico Committee of the ABA  – Section of International Law,  I worked with the ABA Mexico Committee to get this publication out in a timely manner.  The intention for this special edition is to serve as a resource that provides a general understanding of the legal aspects and impact in Mexico of COVID-19 in each of the areas of law that we covered. 
Continue Reading Special Edition Newsletter – Legal Impact of COVID-19 in Mexico ABA – Section of International Law – Mexico Committee

The Small Business Administration (“SBA”) in its implementation of the CARES Act just released an updated loan application form for borrowers who want to avail themselves of Title I – Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans. This form may be found here.
Continue Reading Paycheck Protection Program Loan Applications – Eligibility for Small US Businesses Owned by Latin American Companies